Winneshiek Energy District

Energy Snapshot

Step Step 1 - Occupants

Contact Info
Contact information will not be displayed on the Snapshot
First Name
Last Name
The email address listed can later view and edit this Snapshot.
Address 1
Public Use?
Ages 0 to 10
Ages 10 to 18
Ages over 18

Step Step 2 - House Information

If you are unsure of any information, you may look up your house in the the Winneshiek County Tax Records (opens in a new window).
Please note the square footage on these tax records may only include the first floor in some homes.

Home Statistics
Year Home Built
Major Additions
Total House Square Feet - including basement
Does this house have a basement?

Step Step 3 - Energy Information

What temperature do you keep your house
in winter when you're home and active?
Do you turn down the thermostat at night
and when you're away?
Do you have Air Conditioning in your home?
Yearly Utility Usage
Ending Month/Year  /
ElectricNat GasPropane
Even Pay Dollars Open
Yearly Dollars$ $ $
Propane Gallons
Estimate yearly usage
Alliant Energy - Average Usage (New Tab/Window)
Quickly find average monthly usage for most residential addresses here.
Black Hills Energy Website (New Tab/Window)

Step Step 4 - Renewable Energy

Do you use Biomass (including wood) as a significant energy source?

How many cords of wood do you use per year?
Do you have Solar Photovoltaic?
Do you have a home Geothermal system?
Do you have Solar for space heating?
Do you have Solar for domestic hot water: